Spotlight on the Yorkshire Entrepreneur Leading a Revolution in Customer Feedback

In a recent interview, James Jones, the founder of the startup Reverl, shared his vision for transforming the way businesses handle customer feedback. Reverl, he explained, is not just a tool for collecting static reviews, but a platform that provokes meaningful feedback and transforms it into actionable business insights. 

Reverl’s core idea is to level the playing field for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by offering them the kind of customer feedback analysis tools that have traditionally been available only to large corporations. The platform uses artificial intelligence (AI) to decipher customer feedback, uncover insights, and identify trends. This information is then routed to the appropriate people within the business, along with actionable suggestions for improvement.

Jones emphasised that Reverl is an outcomes-focused customer feedback platform; “Every customer interaction is an opportunity for improvement,” he said. “Whether you’re a sole operator, a small chain of coffee shops, or a national retailer, whether they’re online or in-store or both, product or service lead, Reverl is on a mission to empower businesses to become the best possible version of themselves.

The AI technology used by Reverl is designed to be approachable and pragmatic. Rather than suggesting radical changes, it identifies small, easily implemented tweaks that can have significant long-term benefits. Jones described Reverl as a “marginal gains strategy” rather than a sweeping reform.

One of the unique features of Reverl is the ‘Loopback’ feature. This allows the platform to create a dialogue between customers and businesses, communicating improvements made in response to feedback. For example, if a customer leaves feedback about poor packaging, and the business subsequently improves its packaging process, Reverl will reach out to the customer to inform them of the improvement, encouraging them to try the business again.

Reverl is set to launch in early Q4 of 2023. Interested businesses can sign up for a free 30-day trial at The startup is also active on social media, where it can be found under the handle @GetReverl.

In conclusion, Reverl promises to be a game-changer for SMEs, offering them a new way to handle customer feedback and continuously improve their products and services. With its innovative use of AI and its commitment to creating a dialogue between businesses and customers, Reverl is set to revolutionise the way businesses handle customer feedback.
