Web inventor to give YIBC keynote

THE British inventor of the world wide web will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Yorkshire International Business Convention.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the web in 1989, paving the way for people today to have access to more than 225m web sites, triggering a revolution in the way information is consumed and business is done.

YIBC chief executive Mike Firth said: “Since the event began we have had some of the most powerful, inspiring and influential political and business leaders in the world speaking to the delegates, but in terms of directly impacting on individual lives this guy is in a league of his own.

“Because of the web virtually every one of us has fundamentally changed the way we communicate, socialise, shop, learn, work and play. It’s no exaggeration to say he is someone who has changed the way we think as well as the way we live and to have the chance to hear his views on the future of the web is a fantastic opportunity both personally and from a business perspective.”

Sir Tim, 56, now works in Boston, America, but has never tried to benefit financially from his creation. He is director of the World Wide Web Foundation launched two years ago to “further the potential of the Web to benefit humanity”.

“That in itself makes him an intriguing role model for the delegates at our convention,” said Mr Firth. “Our theme this year is all about winners and winning and this is one man who proves winning isn’t just about getting rich – although I’m sure most of the delegates will think that helps.”

This year’s convention will take place at Harrogate International Centre and Bridlington Spa on Friday, June 10.
