New CFO appointed at low carbon energy business

Powerhouse Energy Group, (PHE) which is developing technology to convert non-recyclable waste into low carbon energy, says Ben Scott Brier has been appointed as chief financial officer of the company.

Brier is a qualified management accountant and has over 25 years of experience in managing financial and commercial operations while delivering on strategic leadership and guidance.

He has a strong track record of enhancing operational efficiencies and providing cost saving solutions for high-profile companies, including work as group finance director at Scotfield Group Ltd.

He has extensive knowledge across Commercial, Industrial and Residential construction including project recovery within a joint venture for a sustainably focused plc.

Brier was appointed as acting chief financial officer at Bingley-headquartered Powerhouse in August 2022.

Paul Emmitt, CEO, said: “I am extremely pleased that Ben has been appointed as full time chief financial officer.

“He brings a wealth of experience in financial and commercial operations and has already made a substantial contribution to the company’s continued development and growth.

“His move onto the Executive team means we now have a secure and stable board structure, that will allow us to make financial decisions quickly and efficiently in respect of projects and financing.”
