York ranked 12th most entrepreneurial UK city

YORK is ahead of the UK average for new business creation, according to research by accountant UHY Calvert Smith.
The study shows that York formed a net total of nine new businesses per 10,000 people in the year to January 1.
This puts York twelfth on the list of the UK’s top 50 biggest towns and cities and is above the national average of eight new businesses per 10,000 people.
Unsurprisingly London tops the list creating 24 net new businesses per 10,000 people.
Hayden Priest, partner at UHY Calvert Smith, said: “York’s position on this list will be good news for the city’s business community and is testiment to York’s entrepreneurial spirit.”
“Of course, new businesses by definition are likely to be quite small and will not necessarily make up for the loss of jobs and revenue suffered when bigger companies fold. Nevertheless, these statistics suggest that York is well placed to bounce back quickly from the recession.”
The research from York-based UHY Calvert Smith also revealed that four of the bottom five positions are held by coastal towns.
Blackpool, Southend-on-Sea, Sunderland and Swansea all saw more businesses closed than were newly created.
UHY Calvert Smith has recently launched a free business plan review service for entrepreneurs and small companies looking to attract investment, which is available across the UK.
Mr Priest added: “One of the universal reasons why new business ideas fail to get off the ground is a lack of proper, structured and swift feedback on their business plans.”
“The crux of this service is exactly that – to refine business plans and give them the best chance of raising the funds they need.”