6 signs you really need a break from work

With the sun now out every day and it actually being warm in your office for a change, it’s easy to get thinking about holidays and getting away for a while. Are you sitting at your desk dreaming about a weekend in Barcelona or at least 4 weeks’ minimum in the Maldives? However, just wanting a tan and cocktails aren’t the only reasons to pack up and have a break.

A study from University College in London found that overworking can lead to a 33% higher risk of having a stroke, and a 13% increased risk of a heart attack. Taking a holiday doesn’t make you a bad worker though and will actually make you a better worker as you can return re-energized and therefore better able to tackle challenges and stress. Here are six signs that you really need a break from work.

1. You keep messing everything up 
You send emails to the wrong people, your spreadsheets are complete chaos and you’ve spilt your coffee over several others desks. If you’re finding yourself making constant mistakes, it’s because your brain is in overtime and you’re too stressed to focus on small tasks. It’s time for a rest before you break a leg or even worse, your company laptop.

2. What does enthusiastic mean anymore?
You never used to mind getting up for work and enjoyed a challenge every day, but now you just don’t care and you couldn’t be less enthusiastic even if you tried. It’s because you haven’t had some me time in god knows how long right? Chances are, by taking some time off, you’ll find that enthusiasm about your career again and start putting the effort in again.

3. What even is sleep?!
You can’t remember the last time that you had a full night’s sleep and you’re up all hours of the night worrying about work. It’s time to book a few minutes off before you turn into a zombie! Not enough sleep is bad for your health and will have a knock on effect on the rest of your life, don’t risk turning those around you against you because of your grouchy sleepy moments and ditch the desk.

4. Everyone is so annoying
You’re usually the funniest one in the office, but you’re just finding everyone really annoying recently and you’ve lost your sense of humour at work. Not only will this make you lose friends at work, you’re not being yourself and chances are, your boss will notice this, especially if it’s making you a bad worker and incorporative with other team members.

5. You’ve lost your social life
You’ve actually become so obsessed with work that you’ve forgotten how to live life outside of it. You forgot all about your gran’s birthday and the drinks at the pub with your mates on Friday evening because you were still in the office at 10pm. If you can’t think about anything other than work, you’re going to drive yourself and those around you crazy because you’re so self-absorbed.

6. You look a complete mess
Even if you’re not always looking your best, you look even worse than what you normally do because the lack of sleep and life in general is having such an effect on you that you look super miserable all the time, your hair isn’t brushed and your eye bags suggest you’ve been in punched a few times the previous night. You need some fresh air and time to rejuvenate as well as catching up on your sleep and go somewhere where you can fully relax and switch off from work mode.
