The Advantages Of CAD Dentistry

Computer-aided design (CAD) is used across many different industries and has been extensively used in a number of manufacturing and engineering fields for years. Now, CAD is being utilised in the dental industry as a digital tool to simplify and streamline dentistry by creating teeth impressions, moulds, and other tools.

CAD technology touts numerous advantages for your dental practice and your patients. There are many benefits of CAD technology:

The promotion of transparent dental procedures

CAD technology utilizes your patients’ predicted teeth alignment to allow your patients and yourself to see exactly what their smiles will look like at the end of the dental procedure. This provides trust between the patient and the dentist and complete transparency throughout the procedure.

Improved predictability of outcomes

CAD already provides predictability of any service you are providing and allows the client or patient to see exactly what the outcome will be. In dentistry, CAD can provide predictability of outcomes through further advancements, leading to the need of further restoration and other visits not being necessary. This will lead to the patient’s happiness of a first-time service, and will eradicate the need of re-visits, saving both time and money.

Turnaround time is lower

CAD can display 3D images of your patient’s teeth, which will allow a designer to digitally-create dental restoration displays with functionality and aesthetics at the forefront of the procedure. This can dramatically reduce the turnaround time for patients as there is no need for impressions to be made in a traditional manner. This is a streamlined service that can take less than a week, as opposed to a traditional timeframe of up to three weeks.

CAD design specialists such as Smile Wide provide these innovative services and offer digital design to dentists and dental professionals. You can check them out at
