Developer gets thumbs up to start on giant Nottingham mixed-use scheme in New Year

How the new scheme will look

A major residential scheme on a gateway site into Nottingham city centre looks set to move forward in the New Year.

Work to build the scheme on vacant land on the southern entrance to Nottingham city centre has been given the go-ahead after some confusion over whether or not planning permission had elapsed.

Nottingham City Council’s planning committee approved plans for the scheme back in June 2019. Earlier this month, Cassidy Group wrote to the council saying that it wanted start work on site in early 2024.

The scheme put forward by Cassidy Group includes derelict land west Of Arkwright Street and south of Crocus Street. It comprises 149 private rented sector units, 420 student flats as well as shops and a gym to be designed by Stephenson Studio.

There was some confusion over whether Cassidy could go ahead with the scheme because more than three years has elapsed since it received planning consent. However, the firm said that works undertaken on site by DJ Swallow Construction from 19th April 2022 onwards and subsequently reviewed by Salus, registered building regulations inspectors, were indicative that work on the scheme has begun – with the city council agreeing.

A planning statement accompanying the plans read: “These proposals will provide the regeneration of a long-term derelict site within the important Meadows Gateway area.

“The built form helps restore the streetscape of Arkwright Street which has been a gap site since the area was originally cleared in the 1970s. A new public open space is created at the Western edge of the site providing a pleasant entrance plaza outside the scheme and improving the journey from the Meadows across Sheriff’s Way for pedestrians heading into town.

“This development will greatly enhance the appearance and character of the local area as well as providing much needed housing.”

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