Planning committee recommended to refuse Shudehill development

A planning application from developer Interland Holdings, represented by Avison Young, for the Shudehill site in Manchester city centre, has been slated in a report by the director of planning, building regulations and licensing.
They have recommended that members refuse it at the next planning meeting on 13 April at Manchester Town Hall. The proposals are revised from earlier applications in 2018 and 2022.
The officers report highlights four main reasons to turn down the development of 175 homes and commercial units: poor quality design; overbearing size; harmful to heritage assets; and that it would be out of character with the rest of the city centre.
Objections have also been received from Historic England and the Victorian Society and 71 letters of objection have been received from 2 rounds of notification concerned about the scheme.
An objection has also been received from and Save Britain’s Heritage. TFGM would also oppose the scheme due to concerns over its impact on the Metrolink line adjacent to the site.
Officers commented in the report: “The proposed development due to its siting, scale, massing and appearance would result in a poor quality design. Its architectural detailing and the street level interface would fail to meet the quality that such a prominent building should achieve.”
The site is close to where photographer Joel Goodman captured a colourful and chaotic scene on New Year’s Eve in 2016.
There are only two other applications for consideration at the planning committee, gas work at a crematorium and a house in Wythenshawe, both of which have been recommended for approval by officers.