Leadership Team produces report on race representation in business

NWBLT report on diversity

The North West Business Leadership Team has launched a new diversity report titled ‘Promoting Race Representation and Culture Change’ that is designed to serve as an effective equality, diversity and inclusion resource for the region’s workplaces.

The new report has been written and developed by Professor Lilian Otaye-Ebede PHD (Professor in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour) with support from Dr. Samah Shaffakat both at The University of Liverpool Management School, University of Liverpooland is filled with examples of race-related ED&I initiatives from large to small and medium sized organisations for local businesses to take inspiration from.

The report has found that there is still much more to do to improve equality, particularly within leadership roles. This is a UK-wide issue, ONS figures state that just 4.6% of UK leadership roles are held by people of black, Asian or minority ethnic backgrounds.

Professor Lilian Otaye-Ebede from the University of Liverpool conducted the research and follow-up analysis which included insights gathered through extensive workplace and desk research and findings cover several areas including Staffing and Governance, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Education, Progression and Promotion, and Race-Inclusive Culture and Climate.

She said: “Recent figures show that very little progress has been made in changing the racial representation of the UK workforce across all levels, but predominantly within senior leadership. More worrying is the heart-breaking experiences of racial discrimination reported by individuals and how these have negatively impacted on their sense of selves, progression, retention, health and wellbeing.”

The report was driven by NWBLT’s Diversity Drivers co-chair, Sharon Amesu, who said in the foreword “It is evident from the findings of the report that some progress has been made and that this is ongoing. The outstanding work has unveiled the challenges faced in achieving racial diversity while showcasing the immense potential for growth and success through inclusive practices.”



Examples are included from major and multi-national firms including PWC, Lloyds and IBM.
