Brunner Mond submits plan for £300m green plant

CHEMICALS giant Brunner Mond and proposed joint venture partner E.ON have submitted plans to the Government for a £300m green energy plant.

Chief executive John Kerrigan said he was hopeful the ambitious development – among the biggest in the historic company’s history would be approved by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

“The development is four square  in line with the Government’s policy. It ticks all the boxes in terms of reducing our carbon footprint and producing renewable energy so we are hoping DECC approves it.

“We have been working hard with the local community to demonstrate the benefits of the development, and while there is some opposition most people who we’ve spoken to have been positively-disposed towards it”
Mr Kerrigan said the development – on the site of a derelict power station – at Lostock near Northwich is projected to open in 2015.

Should planning permission be granted  the plant would be developed and operated by E.ON would generate up to 60 megawatts of renewable electricity and about 100 tonnes per hour of renewable heat.

It is proposed  that fuel would be brought to site by rail and road in sealed containers. It would comprise pre-treated waste from which recyclable materials have been removed and biomass – which is derived from plants.

Mr Kerrigan said Brunner Mond’s Indian parent company Tata is keen to see the new plant delivered: “The Tata Group has an agenda to really try and improve out climate change credentials and develop sustainable operations.

“This development is very much in line with that agenda and the investment is being encouraged.”


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