Daresbury firms seeing good growth says study

HIGH growth businesses based at Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus in Cheshire last year saw sales rise 18% to £28m, according to a report.

Tenants at the site also continued to invest to grow in 2011, with £75m pumped in to various enterprises,  a rise of £10.7m on investment reported in 2010

A survey of 84 of the 113 companies based at the campus said tenants had grown an average of 37% year-on-year over the past four years.

John Leake, Daresbury Campus business development manager, who led the survey said: “We are delighted to have such positive results to report.
Being based at the campus allows companies to connect with local and international clients and suppliers; helping smaller companies, which may not naturally have international reach, to grow and develop their businesses within Daresbury’s positive culture of collaboration and open innovation.”

Campus companies created 62 full time positions – more than 70% of which were for graduate-level jobs, and are still hiring this year.

John Downes managing director of Daresbury joint venture partner, Langtree Group said: “What makes Daresbury unique isn’t just the state of the art facilities available to companies here, but the strong support network which aids the rapid growth of high-tech SMEs by promoting partnerships between high-tech businesses, universities and the Science and Technology Facilities Council.”

The campus, which took on Enterprise Zone status on April 1st this year, is set to expand over the next 20 years and aims to create 15,000 highly skilled jobs and woo new international technology businesses to the North West.
