Decade milestone at Atrium apartments

BRIDGESTREET Global Hospitality is celebrating 10 successful years at The Atrium serviced apartments in Manchester city centre.

The former Victorian shipping warehouse on Princess Street will host a celebratory open evening on Thursday, June 11, when the Junior Halle Orchestra will entertain. The event will also raise funds for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

The former Dominion Hotel was converted into 116 serviced apartments to become part of BridgeStreet’s Global Hospitality’s portfolio in 2005.

The Atrium was built in the Scottish Baronial style in the heart of the city when cotton was king and in 2015 still retains many of its original  features.

The Atrium manager Rachel Barron said: “Serviced apartments have become a fantastic alternative to hotels in recent years, offering 50% more space with independence for guests, a 24-hour front desk and staff always available.”

Guests may stay for a night after a theatre visit, a week for a business conference or months as project specialists or a re-location stop-gap. “We have a diverse mix of guests from all over the UK and around the world,” said Barrnon.

BridgeStreet Global Hospitaly has 50,000 apartments in 60 different countries, offering six-star exclusives to two-star budget solutions.

“We are looking forward to conducting viewings of the apartments on the night and sharing the history of The Atrium with visitors,” added Barron.

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