Permission granted for 120 homes in North Bristol

South Gloucestershire Council has granted planning permission for 119 new homes in north Bristol.
Charles Church – the sister brand of Persimmon Homes– will develop a parcel at Beaufort Park with a range of two to five-bedroom houses available for local people.
All 119 will be fitted with solar panels and capacity for electric vehicle charging points. The scheme also includes playgrounds, an allotment, and active travel links to adjacent development and throughout the site.
The plans will also bring numerous environmental and ecological benefits including hedgerow and tree retention and planting, bird and bat boxes, log piles, wildlife ponds, and dormouse-friendly planting, all of which will support and enhance local biodiversity.
The development will contribute over £2m for local education, community, transport and highways infrastructure, with additional land provision for a potential primary school and nursery.
The scheme will also include a travel plan with a contribution towards the Smarter Choices Fund. This is in addition to the other contributions delivered as part of the wider Cribbs and Patchway New Neighbourhood.
Thirty one of the homes will be dedicated for a housing association, and will include affordable and social rent, shared ownership, and two extra care units, suitable for residents in wheelchairs.
Persimmon Homes Severn Valley’s managing director Paul Moody, said: “We’re very pleased to have secured permission for our Charles Church phase at Fishpool Hill, furthering our commitment to delivering for housing need in the Bristol area.
“With financial contributions towards community, transport, and highways infrastructure in addition to ecological enhancements, properties for a housing association partner, and sustainability features, we have a scheme that will leave a positive and lasting legacy.
“We look forward to getting started on construction and thank South Gloucestershire Council for working with us to bring high-quality and affordable homes to the local area.”