Green Party launches national campaign in Bristol

The Green Party came to Bristol to launch its General Election Campaign.

The party’s joint leader, Carla Denyer said the Greens believed they can win four seats in the forthcoming election.

One of the target seats is Bristol Central where Denyer is standing as a candidate.

The Green Party gained 74 councillors in the local elections, meaning it now holds 812 seats on more than 170 councils. They are the currently the largest council in Bristol.

Denyer said: “We know from the experience of our elected Greens at all levels of government, including our fantastic London assembly members and now over 800 Green party councillors across England and Wales, that even just one or two or a handful of Greens in the room can make all the difference. Greens can ask the questions, no one else is asking, put forward the proposals that nobody else is putting forward.

“We’ve seen the huge impact that just one Green MP in the fantastic Caroline Lucas has had in Westminster. Imagine the impact we could have with four MPs. To pick up the baton from her, carry on her fantastic work.”

The Green launch took place at St George’s, a concert hall converted from a Georgian church close to the party’s Bristol offices.

Denyer added: “People are disappointed by the way Starmer has backtracked on his promises on green investment, his weak offer on housing, and now we have Wes Streeting telling us that more privatisation of the NHS is a good thing.

“When the challenges we face are so huge, people tell us they’re disappointed by the lack of ambition from the Labour party. Our politics is broken. Our public services are on their knees and people are worse off now than when the Conservatives came to power 14 years ago. The case for change is obvious, but it has to be real change that offers real hope. Half measures and broken pledges will not do.

“The Conservatives are clearly on their way out of government, but Labour is failing to offer the real change needed. We have the practical solutions to the cost of living crisis, building new affordable homes, protecting our NHS from creeping privatisation and cleaning up our toxic rivers and seas.

“That’s why it’s so important that when Labour form the next government, they are pushed beyond the tiniest change they are offering. They are pushed to be more ambitious, braver, not to skirt around the edges of the massive crisis facing our country, but to actually make real change that benefits people’s lives every day.”

