Bristol council backs down on neighbourhood scheme

City Hall, Bristol

Controversial plans for a local neighbourhood scheme in Bristol have been halted following strong opposition from residents.

Similar schemes knows as low traffic neighbourhoods or LTNs have triggered opposition in towns and cities across the UK.

A series of schemes were set to be introduced in Bristol backed by funding from central government.

But that appears to be in doubt following the decision from the council to halt the latest scheme in Bedminster.

The East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood trial is due to launch this winter in Barton Hill and St George.

The trial will see residential roads closed off to traffic with the aim of improving safety.

Following opposition Marvin Rees has said the council will focus on a trial in East Bristol before launching the second scheme.

In a written statement Marvin Rees said: “We will look to trial two liveable neighbourhoods.

“We have also made it clear that we will start with the trial in St George and Barton Hill, and will ensure we take all the learnings from that scheme before rushing to another scheme.

“You will have noticed in the local media recently strong opposition from members of the community to the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood, and there are councils that have implemented and withdrawn the schemes.”

The mayor added: “We will ensure that we bring communities with us in making these improvements and ward councillors will be asked to lead the engagement and design.

“However, officer time is currently fully resourced in rolling out the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood, and this remains our priority.”

According to reports the government is reconsidering its support for LTNs following the recent by-election in Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

Labour were expected to take Boris Johnson’s former seat. However, plans to extend London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone are thought to have had an impact on the vote.
