Law firm launches Court of Protection service

Jan Matthews

Law firm Reeds Solicitors has launched a Court of Protection service from its Swindon office.

The Court of Protection team, led by Sarah Griffiths Jones, currently operates from the Cardiff and Bristol branches. Sadé Asker, solicitor and Law Society accredited legal representative, will be leading the expansion into the Swindon Branch, while also maintaining her Cardiff practice. Asker will join the criminal and family departments in Swindon at 10 Commercial Road.

Reeds’ Court of Protection practice represents some of the most vulnerable members of society and advise on all aspects of mental capacity law. The firm’s Court of Protection for health and welfare services solicitors advise clients on issues including health and welfare proceedings; challenges to the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS); mental capacity assessments; safeguarding issues; and medical treatment disputes. In addition, the firm offers advice and assistance in respect of deputyship applications in the Court of Protection, which allows another to act as a lay deputy on behalf of someone who lacks the mental capacity to manage their property and financial affairs.

Asker said: “I am so grateful to the partners to have been offered the ability to grow the Reeds’ Court of Protection offering to include our new office in Swindon together with my promotion to Team Leader. I am also delighted that we are now able to offer a wider service to our clients through our Community Care Contract as well as expanding our offering. I am very excited to be involved in the growth of our wonderful Court of Protection offering across England and Wales.”

Sarah Griffiths-Jones, national head of the Court of Protection and mental health teams, added: “I am absolutely delighted that our Court of Protection Department continues to go from strength to strength, with branches opening UK wide. I have no doubt that the Swindon Team will do exceptionally well under Sadé’s lead. She has been a key figure in the success of our department to date and her extensive legal knowledge and strong business acumen will undoubtedly stand her in good stead in this next chapter. I very much look forward to supporting her every step of the way.”

Jan Matthews, managing partner of Reeds, commented: “It is a testament to Sarah’s leadership and the high quality of the team that she has built around her that our Court of Protection Department has developed such an excellent reputation so quickly. Sadé exemplifies the core values that have driven Reeds to be so successful: a constant drive to provide the highest quality client care, tirelessly fighting for the rights of the most vulnerable in our society, and a dedication to the development and progression of our staff. I have no doubt that together Sarah and Sadé will continue their success with our new COP team in Swindon.”

