Latest deal leaves Endless licensed to thrill

TURNAROUND investor Endless has bought Cinesite, the visual effects company that has worked on the Harry Potter films and is currently involved in the latest James Bond movie.

Endless, which has an operation in Birmingham, has bought Cinesite, established in 1991 and based in London, from Kodak for an undisclosed sum.

Cinesite uses the latest digital effects and techniques to bring feature films to life and turn filmmakers’ ideas into reality.

The deal will see Cinesite’s existing management team stay on, supported by Endless, and allow the company to diversify its services and move into new geographical territories.

Antony Hunt, managing director of Cinesite, said: “I feel that we are moving Cinesite into a new era. The partnership with Endless LLP is a great strategic move for both parties and we’re delighted to have their support and investment behind us.

“We have an extremely innovative and creative team who deliver cutting-edge visual effects for the media and entertainment industry, and we’re now keen to take the Cinesite brand into new territories and expand our digital visual effects services.

“This takeover sale will give us the opportunity we need to grow our talented team to ensure we remain at the forefront of the visual effects industry for many years.”

Garry Wilson, managing partner at Endless, said: “Cinesite is one of the world’s most respected visual effects companies. We were truly impressed by the potential of their creative talent, breadth of blockbuster films and television shows they have been involved in, and their BAFTA, Emmy and Oscar-winning work.

“We’re excited to be helping Cinesite with its next stage of growth and are convinced our partnership will help them continue to expand their long-standing and successful global brand.”

Other notable work Cinesite has been involved in includes effects for films including John Carter, X-Men: First Class, and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, as well as popular TV series such as Band of Brothers and Rome.

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