Marketing agency Calloway Green outsources to facilitate international growth

KINVER digital marketing agency Calloway Green has expanded to take on clients from outside the UK.

The firm has partnered with international marketing agencies to bring its digital marketing offering to clients in Australia, America and Germany, among other countries.

The firm was set up in 2007 and helps companies to get ‘found’ on the internet using a variety of digital technologies and tactics from organic reach to paid search.

Chris Green, marketing manager and partner at the firm, said the growth has only been possible due to the help it received from companies that take on the specialist duties that often burden small business.

He said: “As our business began to grow we quickly realised that as a small company we couldn’t handle all the aspects of running a smooth operation ourselves.

“One onerous job was the bookkeeping and we were faced with a choice – hire someone to do the job full time or call in outside help.

“This is a tough choice for many businesses of this size and taking on full time or even part time staff for such a role would be expensive.

“We soon realised that we could get all the expertise we needed at a fraction of the cost of hiring full time staff so we outsourced.”
