How to work through a hangover

After having three-too-many out last night, the incessant ringing of your 6am alarm alerts you to the stench of stale spirits and you can’t decipher whether it’s you or the room itself.

But, despite your state, a blinding hangover is no excuse to miss work and whilst you wish there was someone to take the fall for you, there isn’t. Launch yourself into the day keeping these three things in mind.

1. Scrub up

Firstly, that smell, it was you. To avoid intoxicating colleagues, force yourself into a cold shower and you may want to brush your teeth a few times, with an extra dose of mouthwash. Give your face a deep cleanse and if you’re feeling really rough add a couple of cucumbers to your eyelids to reduce the puffiness.

Take extra precautions before breathing on people too, no one likes the smell of whisky blasted into their face at 9am. Stock up on mints and body spray as though you have a hot date.

2.  Fizzy drinks

We all know that a pint of something cold works wonders for hangovers, but Sprite and soda water are the best for replacing everything in the body that the alcohol deprived you of.

Getting some air and a coffee will also help to wake you up. The light may hurt your eyes, but remind yourself that you are not a vampire, you will live to see the sunset.

3. The myth of the greasy breakfast

For instant gratification, a big fat greasy fry up and a cold glass of orange juice may seem like the cure to your woes, but the acidity won’t help with a poorly stomach. What your body actually needs is fruit, eggs, oatmeal, tomatoes or spinach.

If you really are in too much of a state to make it to work, next time neck a pint of water before bed, it might just save your career.

4. Get the train or the bus

A few disapproving looks or an awkward conversation with your boss is one thing, but getting breathalysed by the police would make it terrible. Don’t risk it, dig out the rail timetable app, and have a snooze on the train instead. 

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