Works begin to construct nearly 100 affordable and retirement homes
Social housing landlord, Together Housing, is set to launch its latest development in Doncaster to provide new and affordable homes.
Work is underway on plans for 94 properties on the site in Balby, which have been approved by City of Doncaster Council’s planning committee.
Together Housing will deliver the £6.5m development alongside Hoober Urban Partnerships.
Of the 94 properties, Together Housing will provide 38 homes available for affordable rent. The units will meet varying demand for two, three and four-bedroom houses.
All homes will be built with air source heat pumps and solar panels.
The remaining 56 properties will be delivered by Housing 21, a national provider of Retirement Living and Extra Care, which is working alongside Hoober Urban Partnerships to deliver a Retirement Living scheme.
The scheme comprising 43 apartments and 13 bungalows, will provide homes for residents over 55 and independent living with a range of on-site facilities such as; a communal lounge and gardens, electric buggy store, activities room and car and bicycle parking.
Both the affordable homes and the retirement living scheme are part funded by Homes England.
Councillor Glyn Jones, cabinet member for housing and business at City of Doncaster Council, said: “As part of our five-year Housing Delivery Plan, we’re improving our housing offer for older people.
“These new homes include state-of-the-art facilities to support older people to live independently within our communities and local residents will benefit massively.
“The homes will focus on affordable rents and energy efficiency while also protecting and enhancing the natural environment through sustainable development.”
Dai Howells, assistant director of development at Together Housing, said: “Building foundations for growing families in a sustainable community is at the forefront of our collaborative aims for this exciting development.
“Our ambitious plans with Hoober Urban Partnerships aim to meet a dynamic need for new, affordable housing in Doncaster with a leading focus on renewably sourced energy for each of our homes.”
Bridget Faughnan-Bing, Housing 21’s development and delivery director, said: “We are thrilled to be able to deliver another Retirement Living scheme in Doncaster.
“Working with the Local Authority, Hoober Urban Partnerships and Neo Projects, we’ve been able to design a scheme for local people that will help to provide older people in Doncaster with much needed affordable housing.”
David Wroe, director of Hoober Urban Partnerships, added: “We are pleased to finally be making a start on this project to deliver a scheme of affordable family housing and retirement accommodation on the site previously acquired from City of Doncaster Council.
“It’s our second recent scheme with Together Housing and first with Housing 21, as well as being the first 100% electric & renewable energy scheme we have developed.”