Plans lodged for £11m pier regeneration scheme
An £11m scheme to transform Scarborough’s West Pier, help to boost the local economy and celebrate the town’s fishing industry has moved a step closer to becoming a reality.
The planning application for the project has been submitted to North Yorkshire Council.
Permission is being sought for the regeneration scheme which is centred on replacing current facilities and buildings, which are no longer fit-for-purpose, with modern premises for tenants and businesses.
The vision for the West Pier includes new kiosks, improved offices, sheds and warehousing for the fishing sector and new parking and vehicle and pedestrian management.
In addition, public toilets, a public space which could be used for outdoor events and cultural activities and a seafood restaurant are also planned.
As well as new buildings on the pier, plans include restoration work of existing premises which have historical interest.
Chief executive, Richard Flinton, said: “Reaching the planning application is an exciting stage for this project.
“Regenerating the West Pier will breathe new life into Scarborough’s South Bay whilst respecting and supporting the fishing industry working on the pier.”
Corporate director of community development, Nic Harne, said: “These plans are a one-off opportunity to support Scarborough’s heritage fishing industry and transform the harbour.
“Regenerating the pier will improve facilities for fishermen and hopefully encourage more investment in the harbour for further developments.”
A business set to benefit from the plans is TG Wood, a fish merchant which has been based on the pier since 1973.
Shaun Wood runs the business, which was started by his father, and said the pier is “crying out for investment”.
He added: “I’m hugely supportive of the plans and the sooner it happens, the better. We have a huge footprint that we rent from the council, but the building is in disrepair and needs modernising.”
His son, Jack, was running Cod and Lobster, a fishmonger on the pier, until recently but the family has closed the business until new premises are built.
Jack Wood said: “We’ve shut the Cod and Lobster until these plans happen due to the building’s current condition. I don’t want to personally invest any more money into the inside until the outside is sorted.
“The West Pier is the first thing you see as you come on to South Bay and it’s an eyesore. If we’ve got this money, let’s spend it and let’s make the place look better and work better for fishermen, locals and tourists.”