Appointment aims to accelerate city’s long-term regeneration

Wakefield Council has appointed Muse as its new strategic regeneration partner.

The company will work with the council to deliver the next phase of major regeneration projects across the city.

The council revealed it was looking to appoint a strategic regeneration partner in July last year.

Councillor Michael Graham, council cabinet member for regeneration and economic growth, said: “We have an exciting and ambitious Masterplan that lays out the vision for the future of our city centre.

“Work is in progress on the first stage which is delivering a new hotel, an extended and enhanced city square, several new city centre housing developments, and a new Museum and Library.

“This new partnership will now lead on the next chapter in our city’s regeneration. Delivering our ambition at scale and at pace.

“Muse will help originate, plan, and develop new projects, driving them forward from blueprint to build.

“They’ll be bringing expertise to support us to unlock significant private sector funding. As well as looking at assets and land the council owns to determine how they can be better used.”

Mark Lynam, corporate director for regeneration, environment and economic growth at Wakefield Council, said: “Muse has a hugely successful track record within the sector. And has previously worked on similar successful projects to those we have planned for Wakefield.

“Utilising Muse’s expertise will help us to deliver new major regeneration projects at scale and at pace.

“It will unlock key local assets, bring in significant private sector investment, and continue to show that Wakefield is a place that delivers.

“It will also enable us to bring previously unviable projects forward, aided by cross-funding generated by more economically viable schemes. Taken together this will deliver the best possible results for our communities and for investors in our city.”

Simon Dew, development director at Muse, added: “Wakefield has an exciting future, with an ambitious and forward-thinking council.

“By working in partnership, we can deliver positive and quality placemaking and regeneration which delivers real benefit to the community.

“As strategic regeneration partner we’ll work together, over the long-term, to realise the opportunities set out in the city centre masterplan to create the new homes, jobs, retail, and public spaces Wakefield needs.”
