My Yorkshire: Graham Thompson, Xamax

Graham Thompson is the managing director of branded clothing and sportswear specialist Xamax, based on Roundwood Industrial Estate near Wakefield.

Where do you live/where are you from?

Morley, West Yorkshire.

What is your favourite place to visit in Yorkshire and why?

Edale, it’s the start of the Pennine Way and it’s a breath of fresh air.

What is still on your “to do” list in the region?

A visit to the Pickering 1940’s wartime weekend.

What is the most memorable meal you’ve ever had in Yorkshire?

Fish and Chips – a typical Yorkshire answer! I came across a fish and chip shop called Harpers in Wetwang and they were wonderful.

What is your most Yorkshire trait?

I’m terrible for not wanting to part with money, I need to know I’m getting good value from everything I spend my hard earned cash on!

What is your favourite piece of trivia about the region?

Emley Moor Mast is the tallest manmade structure in Europe.

What is your favourite cultural icon to come out of Yorkshire?

Yorkshire tea, can’t beat a cup of tea and a bun! I also can’t get over how nice we are.

What is your worst experience of thing about Yorkshire?

I remember going to Filey in my younger days and realising on my return that they pumped sewage into the sea. Luckily they managed to sort this problem out!

What is the one thing you would steal from Lancashire (or other UK regions) if you could?

The Houses of Parliament, they should be brought back up to Yorkshire.

What is the most overrated thing about Yorkshire?

You could never overrate anything about Yorkshire.

