York secures £1.3m for sustainable transport scheme

City of York Council has been awarded a further £1.312m by the Department for Transport (DfT) to continue its pioneering i-Travel York sustainable travel programme.

The award follows an invitation to local authorities across the country to compete and bid for a share of £60m from the government’s Access Fund.

The fund aims to support local authorities to deliver sustainable transport projects that seek to grow the economy by boosting levels of cycling and walking, and by improving access to jobs, skills, training and education.

Cllr Ian Gilles, executive member for transport and planning, said: “This is fantastic news for York and recognises the excellent programme of work supporting sustainable travel in our city and the achievements we have made so far. Being awarded £1.312m funding will enable the hugely successful i-Travel York campaign to continue helping to reduce congestion, improve air quality and provide sustainable travel options for everyone in York.”

The DfT recognised the council for its sustainable transport policy and delivery, from the high uptake of cycling in York to its Park & Ride electric buses and #travelwithtots, achievements made possible through the i-Travel York programme.

The £1.312m fund will enable this programme of work to grow including a package of supporting measures for cycling, walking and broader sustainable travel over a three year period.

It will focus on employment, education and engagement with residents and businesses city wide with a particular focus in the east, north-east of York and York Central areas.

This additional focus in targeted areas of the city will complement and enhance the council’s £5.835m major capital investments in walking and cycling infrastructure.

This includes the major development planned for York Central, a 72 hectare development area on the edge of the city centre; the redevelopment of Scarborough Bridge, with a wider more accessible pedestrian/cycling bridge and supporting Monks Cross retail and business park area which is expanding.

The i-Travel York website is the council’s method of providing information on all travel and transport in the York area. It’s updated regularly and has a new section on the impact of high river levels on travelling in the York area.
