Developer named for Broadmarsh bus station redevelopment
Nottingham City Council has chosen Galliford Try to build the £43m Broadmarsh car park and bus station, according to reports.
Construction Enquirer says the firm beat off rival bids from Bowmer & Kirkland and GF Tomlinson to land the contract.
In November, plans to move Nottingham’s Central Library to the new Broadmarsh Bus Station and Car Park were given the green light.
The move will see the library move out of its Angel Row site, which has been earmarked for redevelopment, and into a 33,000 sq ft building in the new Broadmarsh complex.
The revised application also said the new bus station and car park scheme will now not include any retail space nor a cycle hub, and that the number of car parking space has been reduced slightly by 165 to 1,208 – although this is an increase on the previous, now demolished car park.
The new car park and bus station has been designed by Leonard Design.