Severn Trent Water pump to be installed on open land in Derbyshire

Osmaston Park

Derby City Council plans to sell a piece of land at Osmaston Park near Moor Lane to Severn Trent Water for a new water pump installation.

This land, located behind 284, 286, and 288 Osmaston Park Road, covers an area of 6,500 sq ft and is situated near the electric substation on the road.

According to Section 123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the city council is obligated to formally announce its intention to dispose of public open space land and consider any objections to the proposed sale.

The area in question is just off Moor Lane on the eastern side of the park, near the new Moorways Sports Village.

Severn Trent will receive a leasehold for the site. The timeline for starting the construction of the water pumping station is currently uncertain.

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