Games Workshop CFO sells two-thirds of her stake

The outgoing CFO of Nottingham-based Games Workshop has sold shares in the company worth more than £700,000.

Rachel Tongue has reduced her stake in the Nottingham-based company by two-thirds, after the share sale at an average price of £94.893 per share. In January Tongue announced her resignation, although she is expected to stay with the company until next January.

Games Workshop’s shares were valued around £60 at the start of 2020 but enjoyed a big surge through the pandemic and, despite falling back in 2022, has since rebounded close to the pandemic highs.

The company, which was founded in 1975 and is best-known for Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, now has a market value of more than £3bn.

Games Workshop initially produced wooden boards for various games and later evolved into an importer of Dungeons & Dragons and expanded into publishing its own wargames and role-playing games.

By the early 1990s, it had expanded to Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia and its headquarters relocated to Lenton, Nottingham in 1997.

The latest financial results for the six months to November 26 2023, show revenue rose from £212.3m to £235.6m, while profit before tax leapt from £83.6m to £95.2m.



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