Cyber security experts set to go Stateside

Cyber security experts from across the Midlands region are travelling to the United States to showcase their special skills to an international audience.
The visit to the CyberMaryland Conference in Baltimore has been organised by partners involved in the Midlands Engine.
Delegates from the region will use the conference, which takes place between October 18-22, to showcase what the Midlands has to offer from a cyber-security perspective.
The event will also offer companies and universities from across the region opportunities to create long-term partnerships with businesses and educational establishments in the US.
Maryland is recognised as a leader in the field of cyber-security. The headquarters of the US National Security Agency (NSA) is at Fort Meade and some of the world’s largest IT and cyber-security firms are located in the state as well as many of the most successful modern cyber innovation companies.
Maryland is also home to five universities which are designated centres of excellence in cyber education. Major research by the NSA and the Department for Homeland Security (DHS) is also carried out there, while several leading hi-tech and cyber-security incubators and accelerators are also based there.
Due to this unique pedigree, the conference attracts specialist companies both from the US and further afield.
Similarly, the Midlands is also recognised as a cyber-security cluster, especially the area around Malvern, which has been called Cyber Valley.
The region is home to many leading cyber security companies, while its universities are also engaged in critical research.
The Department for International Trade has recognised the potential and has funded the conference delegation on behalf of the Midlands Engine.
In addition, Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), the Marches LEP and Hereford Enterprise Zone, in partnership with the DIT and Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce, are now developing a programme over the next three years with a return visit from Maryland to the Midlands being planned for spring 2017.
Linda Smith, Director of International Trade at Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce, said: “This is a fantastic, mutually beneficial opportunity for businesses and universities across the Midlands and those in the US to build long-term partnerships and business development opportunities.”
Gary Woodman, chief executive of Worcestershire LEP, said: “The Midlands is home to an impressive array of cyber security and other innovative companies as well as academic excellence linked to this sector.
“With the opportunity to participate in networking and business development opportunities at the CyberMaryland Conference 2016, companies will be able to grow their presence in an internationally-renowned cyber-area.
“We look forward to showcasing the expertise in this sector, with cyber-security being a priority growth sector in Worcestershire, as well as there being excellent companies and academic organisations from the across the Midlands. We believe that this mission will also be hugely beneficial to companies in America and we also look forward to welcoming a US delegation back to the Midlands, UK during 2017.”
The threat of cyber breaches is one every business needs to take seriously – regardless of what sector they operate in.
Current advice is to make sure they understand the threat of a cyber-attack and have the right systems in place to protect themselves.
To help,, in association with Worcestershire LEP, is holding a seminar for business owners and senior managers which will highlight what you need to know and what action you should take.
For more information click here