Development vehicle hands over first phase of £14m housing pipeline

Tawd Valley Developments has handed over the first phase of its Eskbank housing project in Skelmersdale to West Lancashire Borough Council (WLBC).
The scheme, which provides charging points for electric vehicles, is the company’s maiden development and provides 13 two- and three-bed homes on the site of a former nursery.
It is one of five schemes that will deliver 81 affordable homes in the borough with a combined value of more than £14m. Additional schemes will follow.
Managing director, Mark Kitts, said: “We’re now firmly in delivery mode and it’s good to start as we mean to go on, delivering quality homes on time and to budget.”
Tawd Valley Developments is wholly-owned by WLBC and is working in partnership with Homes England to accelerate delivery of new homes in the borough. It will also support the council in delivering other development projects.
Mr Kitts added: “Our aim is to help the council meet the community’s housing and economic development needs and generate a surplus for investment in vital public services. We are achieving our business plan targets, which is good news for local residents.”
The energy-efficient scheme, designed by John McCall Architects, uses timber frames on all homes and includes charging points for electric vehicles.
The contractor is Whitfield and Brown with Shape the project engineers. Each company has worked with local schools and colleges on a range of initiatives to give them insights into construction and other potential careers.
Mr Kitts said: “We have specifically targeted local people and the local supply chain to maximise the economic and social impact of our investment and all are supporting our social aims in different ways. It’s a true partnership that we hope will create career opportunities for local young people.”
Three other Skelmersdale projects are on site, with 14 new homes at the Fairstead development due to complete at the end of October. Schemes at Brierfield and Northfield will be handed over to the council in 2022.
The council was recently successful in its bid to Homes England, the Government’s housing accelerator, for just over £1m to support the delivery of council housing by Tawd Valley Developments in the borough. The company will also develop homes for market sale.