Golden Valley Development scheme takes major step forward

Over 100 people attended a public consultation event discussing plans for a proposed employment-focused mixed-use scheme in West Cheltenham, forming part of the Golden Valley Development.

Developers NEMA Strategic Land aim to create 500,000 sq ft of commercial space and around 350 apartments on an 8.6-acre site near the GCHQ head quarters.

The event, held at the Hesters Way Community Resource Centre, precedes the submission of an outline planning application to Cheltenham Borough Council in the New Year, incorporating feedback from the consultation.

The site will feature public open spaces, footpaths, cycle routes, seating areas, benches, play areas, cafes, restaurants, fitness and leisure facilities, and a transport hub.

Martin Chandler from SF Planning said: “There was intense interest in the scheme and, understandably, a lot of questions about traffic. But most people who gave us feedback were pleased to hear that this is a mixed-use scheme and very much employment-led – the jobs and the people they attract are expected to be in the tech and innovation industries which feeds into the overall vision to create a community of cyber excellence.

“There were also a lot of positive comments on our approach to the provision of adequate public transport connections, a main spine road, landscaping and provision of public spaces. We aim to create an inspirational place for people to live, work and play against the backdrop of a world-class environment.”

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