Boost your career through meditation
It is easy to think of meditation as something to try when you’ve got a bit of spare time on your hands.
But according to the author of The Authority Guide to Practical Mindfulness, when you get into the habit of meditating each day, even if just for 10 minutes, you will discover a whole range of benefits to your career.
1. Luck
After just a few days of practicing mindfulness meditation every day, you’ll find your ability to spot opportunities in your business is enhanced.
These might even be opportunities that often present themselves, but we fail to recognise because of our minds are over-active and preoccupied.
2. Attractiveness
When we maintain a calm demeanour, it helps reduce tension around us. Worry lines drop away from your face and you are instantly become more attractive.
3. Creativity
We’re blessed with two minds in our head that operate in slightly different ways: The right brain tends to concern itself with the whole vision and learning new things. The left brain focuses on the detail and processing learned responses.
Regular meditation reduces the tendency for the two hemispheres to conflict with each other i.e. being in two minds about something, quite literally.
When we enter the whole brain thinking state, we become able to hold the whole vision and detail at the same time. This is a crucial skill for anyone working on a creative task.
4. Productivity
The normal human mind is only capable of experiencing one thought at a time. So when you’re working on a task and find your mind drifting onto another, irrelevant thought you’ll find your efficiency drop too.
After a few weeks of practicing meditation, you will find you can stay in the meditative state with your eyes open, while working and creating. Meditation will help you gain a new level of control over thoughts that would previously have distracted you.
5. Idea Generation
So-called, light-bulb moments come from what is known as the collective consciousness.
As mentioned, we are only capable of having one thought at a time, so if our mind is consumed by internal dialogue and commentary, these external thoughts don’t get much of a look in.
If you are short of an idea and ask for some inspiration before you meditate, you will quickly find that by stilling your mind, it just shows up.