Formal approval for start of HS2’s construction phase

Following the decision to proceed with the HS2 rail project earlier this year, HS2 Ltd has issued a “Notice to proceed” to the companies that will undertake construction on the new railway.

Following the independent Oakervee review, the Prime Minister confirmed to Parliament in February 2020 that the project should go ahead, to deliver improvements to capacity and connectivity across the Midlands and North.

This would proceed alongside a reform package to improve governance at HS2 to ensure the project is delivered better and more efficiently.

“Notice to proceed” now marks the formal approval for the project to begin the construction phase.

HS2 Ltd is now entering Stage Two of the main works civils contracts, with each held by a specific joint-venture.

HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson said: “While the Government’s top priority is rightly to combat the spread of coronavirus, protect the NHS and save lives, we cannot delay work on our long-term plan to level up the country.

“HS2 will be the spine of the country’s transport network, boosting capacity and connectivity while also rebalancing opportunity fairly across our towns and cities.

“Following the decision earlier this year to proceed with the project, this next step provides thousands of construction workers and businesses across the country with certainty at a time when they need it, and means work can truly begin on delivering this transformational project.”

The four work packages are for full detailed design and construction of Phase One of the HS2 railway.

Through these contracts, small and medium businesses have the guarantee of a pipeline of activity for the future, helping to protect jobs.

The joint-ventures responsible for each package of work will be able to start work in line with Public Health England’s guidance around construction work continuing during the coronavirus outbreak.

Joint ventures originally awarded contracts in July 2017 are:
