Housebuilder resubmits application for village development

Barratt Homes and the Hall for Hemingbrough group have resubmitted a planning application for a new community centre and homes in Hemingbrough, near Selby.

The revised plans reduce the number of homes on the site from 151 to 142 homes, including 28 affordable homes for local people, provide a larger buffer to existing properties, and include anew walking route and ecological enhancements.

If the plans are approved, the residential development will enable a £500,000 donation and the gift of 3 acres of land for the new facility. The donation will fund the first phase of the new community centre.

A planning application was originally submitted last year but was withdrawn to allow further technical work to take place and the plans to be improved.  Over recent months, further discussions have also taken place with potential user groups of the new hall, charities who wish to get involved in the project and organisations who have set up their own sustainable and successful community facilities.

Bob Procter, chair of the Hall for Hemingbrough Group, which was founded in 2016 to assess the need for a community hall in the village, said, “These plans will help us reach our long-held ambition of a new community facility for the village, and will act as a hub for the whole village and surrounding area. We are very excited that after many years we are getting closer to delivering this fantastic facility.”

Peter Morris from Barratt Homes said, “These plans offer new homes for the village, which have been identified in the Local Plan and will also offer the delivery of the first phase of new community facilities for the local community. We’ve listened to the Council and other stakeholders and amended the plans to ensure they fit in with the area.”

The planning application will be decided by North Yorkshire Council in the coming months.

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