My Yorkshire: Neil Williams, Santander Corporate Banking

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Neil Williams is the Yorkshire regional director of Santander Corporate Banking., and is originally from Middlesborough (but don’t hold that against him)

Where do you live/where are you from?

Normanby near Middlesbrough , so I’m technically a “Smoggie” having been brought up under the smog generated by British Steel and ICI. I moved to York in 2009 to establish the Santander Corporate and Commercial brand and love it here.

What is your favourite place to visit in Yorkshire and why?

There are so many beautiful and memorable places it is really hard to pin point just one. Apart from York which is just a wonderful City given its history I also really like being near the seaside (and of course the fish and chips !) so Whitby is up the

What is still on your “to do” list in the region?

Too many to mention ! (Sorry Sir Gary!)

What is the most memorable meal you’ve ever had in Yorkshire?

Taster menu @ The Black Swan, Oldstead York – couldn’t fault the food, service or wine. Excellent.

What is your most Yorkshire trait?

I’m not sure if I`m classed as a true Yorkshireman but probably the can do/never give up sort of attitude. Also , what you see is what you get – no BS.

Favourite piece of trivia about the region.

The region’s GDP is greater than the whole of Scotland’s……

What is your favourite cultural icon to come out of Yorkshire?

Apart from Whitby’s fish and chips and the good old Yorkshire pudding, Harrogate Spring Water-  which is exactly what it says on the bottle.

First experience of Yorkshire (for non-Yorkshire folk)

The amazing scenery and history. Something we all take for granted.

Worst experience or thing about Yorkshire?

I’m a Middlesbrough FC season ticket holder so Leeds FC doing the “double” home and away last season was painful. I want both teams in the Premiership ASAP but I sense Middlesbrough will be there ahead of Leeds………….Up the Boro !

What is one thing you’d steal from Lancashire (or other UK regions) if you could?

I don’t think we need to steal anything, perhaps Manchester has a more cohesive approach across the sub regions. We just need to continue to become more joined up and have a louder voice to showcase how fantastic the region is on a number of levels – business, culture, and leisure.

What is the most overrated thing about Yorkshire?

I honestly can’t think of any. Most things in Yorkshire are underrated.
