Last orders for new licensed premises in Leeds?

By Meghan Waldron, head of the Lupton Fawcett licensing team

Due to the ever increasing number of licensed premises and associated anti-social behaviour, many Local Authorities are making it more difficult for businesses to obtain alcohol licenses for new premises in city centre areas.

Leeds City Council along with many other Councils throughout the UK have implemented ‘Cumulative Impact Zones’ and associated policies, within their city centre areas.

The starting point is that the council will seek to refuse applications for a new premises licence within the so called ‘red zone’. Leeds City Council, like many other councils including York City Council, have taken the position that applications within ‘red zones’ will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

These restrictions also apply to variations to existing premises – for example, extensions to opening hours or to the size of the premises.

Applications within ‘orange zones’, must address the licensing objectives and strict conditions are still often applied.

As a business it is important to ensure that premises have the correct licence in place and that conditions are adhered to – breaches can result in fines, prison sentences for up to six months, or both.

Any new business can submit a licensing application to the Local Authority themselves, but the level of detail expected in such an application continues to increase. A detailed and persuasive ‘Operating Schedule’ should be prepared, outlining how the business will adhere to the four Licensing Objectives.

If an application does not meet the expected requirements of the Police, Environmental Team, Health & Safety Team and Fire Service then objections are likely to be made or restrictive conditions added.

As a result of the clamp down on new premises very strict licensing conditions are sometimes imposed, restricting licensable activities and restricting operating hours. If conditions are imposed that are inappropriate for how a business intends to operate, this can lead to breaches, and in turn to severe consequences.

Do I need a Solicitor to make an application?

An expert licensing solicitor will have a track record of new applications being granted in the terms clients need, of avoiding objections being made, and also of avoiding the need for hearings. In the long run this saves clients time and allows the business to get up and running as quickly as possible, thereby saving money.

The Licensing Team at Lupton Fawcett LLP understands that each business is unique and therefore tailor each application to meet a client’s specific business needs.

The aim is to have a licence granted as quickly and cost effectively as possible, and to ensure that any conditions imposed will allow a business to operate exactly as intended.

For further information contact Meghan Waldron on 0113 2802125, or Jeremy Scott on 07971 520407.
