Marvel at Marrons at this year’s Hot Property

This year will mark the seventh year that Shakespeare Martineau has sponsored Nottingham Hot Property. We chatted with planning director Jenny Keen – of Marrons, which is part of legal and professional services group Ampa alongside Shakespeare Martineau – about this year’s event and what we can look forward to.

How many years have you supported/attended Hot Property?

Six years – once you’ve got the Hot Property bug, it’s impossible to shake it off. It’s like one big family, and there’s always such a great camaraderie among the singers, musicians and those who help everything run smoothly.

Why is Hot Property so important to you? Why did you want to sponsor the event?

As a firm, we are always on the lookout for opportunities to make a positive difference in everything we do, and Nottingham Hot Property is an integral part of the community, consistently generating much-needed funds to support vital local causes.

Year after year, it proves its value by rallying support and resources for those in need, and we are honoured to play a part in that. Alex’s Wish is such an important charity that is working tirelessly to eradicate Duchenne muscular dystrophy – a genetic disorder that affects 1 in every 3,500 boys born.

Furthermore, the event provides a unique platform for property professionals to showcase their talents musically and express themselves. We’re proud of our people’s individuality and supporting their diverse interests. Through our sponsorship, we’re not just contributing to a worthy cause but also celebrating the varied passions and talents within our team. It’s a reflection of our commitment to empowering our people and enriching the local community.

In essence, our sponsorship is a natural extension of our core values: supporting local causes, embracing individuality, and making a meaningful difference in the community. We’re thrilled to be part of such a vital event and look forward to continuing our support for years to come.

What’s your favourite Hot Property memory or performance from over the years and why?

Personally, the thrill of performing Freed from Desire in 2022 won’t ever leave me. The energy in the air was palpable and I’ll never forget the thrill of being on stage amidst such an electric crowd. At one point, I genuinely thought they might jump onto the stage themselves! It was an exhilarating experience – the buzz of that moment is something I’ll always treasure.

Hot Property has been going now since 2004. What were you doing 20 years ago and can you share a picture from that time of your life?

I was just starting university in Sheffield then – it was my first year studying for my degree in planning and the first time I’d ever been away from home. Thankfully, there aren’t any photos as we didn’t have camera phones or Facebook back then!

What are you looking forward to most about Hot Property this year?

The new venue! Binks Yard is renowned for its fantastic atmosphere, especially for gigs like this. The prospect of enjoying live music outdoors in summer is incredibly exciting. Here’s hoping the weather cooperates and we get to revel in the event under a clear sky.

Can you give us a sneaky clue about what we can expect?

While the setlist remains top secret, I can promise one thing – I’ll be bringing the energy! Get ready for a performance that will have you on your feet and feeling the summer vibe.

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