Leicester City council goes to market with Ashton Green

Leicester City Council has taken a substantial part of the 3,000 home Ashton Green development in the north of the city to market.
The 13 hectare site will create 500 residential units and provide 70,000 sq ft of non-residential uses. The site will be offered as five development parcels and the call for Expressions of Interest closes on Friday 6th May 2016.
City Mayor Sir Peter Soulsby said: “Ashton Green is seen as the most innovative and sustainable new development in Leicester in more than 30 years, and will make a significant contribution towards delivering quality new homes in Leicester.”
Early last year, Leicester City Council agreed to sell six acres at Glebelands Wood, Leicester Road, near Beaumont Leys to developer Morris Homes who will build 100 houses there.
New walking and cycling routes and traffic-calming improvements will be installed to tie in with the Morris Homes scheme, and Ashton Green will also be served by buses from an early stage.
The development will take place over the next 20 years and will include a large proportion of affordable housing.