Business Bytes: 8 networking icebreakers to get the conversation started

It can be awkward walking into a networking event where you don’t know anyone and sometimes years of experience doesn’t mean you’re any good at making conversation with complete strangers. You don’t want to seem like the most boring person in the room, but you also don’t want to come across as unprofessional. Try mixing up your conversations when you find yourself in circles of people who could be beneficial to your career and future. Here are eight to use at your next event!

1. ‘Are you from the area?’
This is the perfect first question to ask as it allows everyone in the group to answer. It’s also not a difficult question where people will have to really think before giving an answer. Also, you never know, they could live round the corner from you!

2. ‘Do you know what this is?’
Standing in the queue for the buffet can be slightly awkward because you’re all in a line! So take this opportunity to speak to the person in front or behind and talk about something that everyone loves, food, of course. You could bond over your favourite cuisines or laugh about how neither of you has a few what they’re serving.

3. ‘What’s your favourite thing about your job?’
Nobody wants to spend their whole evening talking about their job role, so focus on the positives of their career instead. Ask them what they enjoy doing the most at work, the most memorable or funniest thing that’s happened to them at work. By keeping conversation positive instead of a moaning session, people will have a more positive impression of you.

4. ‘I recognise you…’
Sounds a bit cliché, but if you genuinely recognise someone because you have mutual friends, tell them. If you get them mixed up with someone, that will still make conversation, so it’s a win-win situation!

5. ‘Have you heard about…?’
It’s always worth checking the news on your way to any event to talk about with people there, especially if it affects their job. It makes you look good because you keep up with current events as well as strikes good conversations with those around. If that fails, talk sport and ask them if they saw the match last night, that’s if you did!

6. ‘What are you up to this month?’
Not everyone wants to talk about their job all of the time, so put some extra effort in and try and get to know them as a person and not just a potential contact. Ask them if they have any holidays booked or what plans they have for the weekend. It could turn out that you have a lot in common.

7. ‘I love that outfit!’
There is no harm in paying a compliment or two and it will definitely score you some extra brownie points. Not only will you flatter the person, you can also carry on the conversation about where they got the outfit from, the conversation will flow and soon you’ll be talking about something completely different.

8. ‘Hello!’
If all else fails, simply walk up to someone and introduce yourself. What’s the worst that could happen? Everyone is there to network, so no one is going to be rude to you as they’re all on the look-out for potential clients and contacts.

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