Don’t get caught out! Car Mats UK shares top tips for staying safe whilst driving in the winter months

No matter where you are in the world, driving during winter conditions can be un-nerving and sadly sometimes extremely dangerous. Although most common causes of car accidents in winter is down to inadequate removal of snow (which sometimes cannot be helped) other reasons such as slow breaking speeds and lack of windscreen fluid can be helped.

For those currently learning to drive, driving in winter conditions may have been avoided during their learning phase, as many young drivers have time in the summer to learn, and therefore have the pleasure of clearer conditions – until winter then does approach, after they’ve passed.

With more hazardous road conditions and weather that can impact on your vehicle, it is important that you know how to take care of your car in the winter if you are to avoid accidents and breakdowns.

Here, Car Mats UK have put together their expert tips to help get you and your vehicle through the winter safely.

Service your car

You need to ensure that your car is in good working order, so book a service if one is due. The cold is major cause of mechanical problems with cars, but if it is serviced regularly, you can avoid a great many of these.

If you take a look around, there are plenty of garages who offer a winter car check which looks at your tyres, battery, coolant, antifreeze, wipers, lights and oil. These are often free, so make sure that you take advantage of them.

Perform some vehicle checks

There are a few elements of your car that you should keep a close eye on during the winter if you want to keep everything running smoothly and your battery is one of them. This is a part of the car that really doesn’t like the drop in temperatures, particularly if it has seen better days.

The cold can reduce the output, and when you are using things like lights and heaters, you only add to the strain that the battery is under, which cause it to stop working.

You will know this has happened when you suddenly find that your car won’t start one morning. The average battery lasts around five years so make sure you get it checked and replaced if necessary.

You should also give your tyres a thorough check throughout the winter as these can save your life. As they will help you manage both your steering and braking, you need to make sure that they are in good condition when the roads become wet and icy.

Make sure that each tyre is at the recommended pressure, and check that your tread depth is at least 3mm for optimal grip on the roads. If you live in an area that suffers particularly badly with snow and ice, then it may be worth considering making the switch to specially designed winter tyres for the season.

Top ups

To keep your engine running smoothly in the winter, you need to make sure that your coolant has been topped up. This should be mixed with equal parts of water and antifreeze, and it should also be topped up with antifreeze later if needed.

You could also add some antifreeze to your screen wash fluid to ensure that it stays working even when the temperatures drop.

Get packing

Sometimes the weather will still get the best of us, so it is best to make sure you are prepared by having a winter car kit on board. Make sure it includes things like a shovel, torch, map and spare batteries as well as a blanket and spare food and drink in case you are stranded for a while. You should also make sure that you keep your mobile phone with you and carry a phone charger just in case.

If you are a new driver, then you should enjoy your newfound freedom, but you need to do it safely. The combinations of darker nights, greasy roads and freezing temperatures can be a recipe for disaster if you are not prepared.
