Charity partners with creative agency for cancer awareness campaign

Breast cancer awareness charity CoppaFeel!, which focuses on young people, collaborated with web designers from the creative agency Milk & Tweed in Wiltshire to enhance its online checking tool, The Self-Checkout.

Founded in 2009 by twins Kris and Maren Hallenga after Kris’s diagnosis of incurable breast cancer at 23, the charity aims to educate individuals aged 18 to 24 about breast cancer signs and symptoms, promoting regular chest checking.

CoppaFeel! conceived the idea for a self-check education tool, accessible on its website, guiding young people through a chest checking routine and advising on actions if anything unusual is detected.

Additionally, the tool allows users to set up a monthly reminder for regular self-checks.

The charity conducted thorough research with young people to comprehend their utilisation of the self-checkout tool and identify potential enhancements for an easier user experience.

Collaborating with Milk & Tweed’s designers at its Huxley studio in Brighton, the charity worked to enhance engagement and user-friendliness.

Specialising in website, branding, logo design, and digital marketing, the agency developed new branding, streamlined user journeys, and innovative methods to offer inclusive and accessible chest-checking information.

Becca Yates, the charity’s Digital Marketing Executive said: “Our education team and marketing team worked with the team at Huxley who were able to bring their digital-first expertise,” she said. “It was great to come together to ensure that young people’s wants and needs for chest-checking were at the forefront of the self-checkout revamp. We want to continue to improve the self-checkout as we learn more about our users and how we can continue to promote regular chest-checking among young people.”
