Work commences on £55m North Yorkshire housing development

Construction work has now commenced on a 270-new homes development in North Yorkshire.
Located in Sherburn-In-Elmet, the scheme is part of Yorkshire Housing’s biggest ever development and has a combined value of £55m.
Properties on the 25-acre site, which is to be called Hodgson’s Gate, will range from one to five bedrooms. Once complete, it will include 95 properties for sale, 23 for private rent, 58 for affordable rent, 32 for rent to buy and 62 for shared ownership.
Yorkshire Housing worked with Sheffield architects MHA and contractor Countryside Properties on the scheme, situated to the east of Hodgson’s Lane.
The development is set to be finished by April 2022.
Andy Gamble, director of development at Yorkshire Housing, said: “We’re delighted that our hard work will provide an opportunity for hundreds of people to move into high quality new homes.
“Our progress means we can deliver more much needed homes to the region as we continue working towards our strategic priority of delivering 3,120 homes by 2021 and a further 3,000 new homes by 2025-26.”
Chris Penn, operations director at Countryside Properties PLC, added: “Countryside Properties (Yorkshire) is delighted to be working in partnership with Yorkshire Housing, Homes England, Selby District Council and partner organisations to deliver an exemplar development of 270 new homes, ranging from one to five bedrooms during the next three years, providing housing for sale and mixed tenure affordable housing.
“Countryside Properties is proud to be able to assist Yorkshire Housing in achieving its target of 3,120 new homes by 2021 with the delivery of this flagship development.”