Heritage funding backs Harmony Works ambition for Sheffield

An ambition to convert an unused Grade II*-listed building in Sheffield city centre into a vibrant hub for music has been backed by £4.7m of National Lottery funding.
The restoration project will see the building become a home for young musicians called Harmony Works.
Canada House in Commercial Street, which used to be called Panache House, was built in 1875 as offices for the Sheffield United Gas Light Company. In the 1980s it was home to TurnUps nightclub before falling into disrepair, then becoming home to offices once more, but is currently empty once again.
David Hobson, chair of Harmony Works Trust, said: “The funding is another crucial milestone for the project and will go towards the restoration of the stunning Canada House, preserving this iconic heritage building in Sheffield for decades to come.
“Once refurbished, the building will become an energetic new music hub for the region, creating an inclusive space that inspires musical exploration and creativity, and enriches the lives and futures of young people and their communities.”
Harmony Works will become the new home for Sheffield Music Academy and Sheffield Music Hub, as well as a base for many organisations, including Brass Bands England, Music in the Round, Choir with No Name, Orchestras for All and Concerteenies.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund has announced the funding to mark Heritage Treasures Day.
Coalface to Wildspace Yorkshire has been given round one development funding of £135,000 from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, allowing it to progress with its proposals which could result in a full funding award of £944,000.
It wants to undertake a programme of capital works to restore and create 60 freshwater habitats and improve 60 surrounding terrestrial habitats at 17 sites located in areas of high deprivation across Yorkshire.
Helen Featherstone, director for England, North at The National Lottery Heritage Fund, said: “At Heritage Fund we are supporting a number of projects that are saving heritage treasures across the North, which is a wonderful to start the New Year.
“Thanks to National Lottery players, this funding will ensure these important pieces of heritage are protected and allow a wider group of people the opportunity to engage with and discover more about the heritage in their local area.”