Why you need an AI policy

By Graeme Freeman, co-founder, Freeman Clarke
We’ve all been hearing enormous claims about AI. Some argue that it will add trillions to the world economy. Others fret that it may end life as we know it.
At Freeman Clarke, we’ve been focusing on real-world applications of AI for our mid-market clients, and we’re already seeing considerable savings of time and money. Our IT leaders – the best CIOs, CTOs, and CISOs in the business – have been using AI tools to improve customer service, pinpoint better sales leads, generate better content, and crunch through thousands of documents in record time.
One aspect we’ve also noticed that isn’t getting much press: the necessity for a business to have an AI policy. With all the ambiguity around regulation and best practice with AI, it is becoming increasingly important for a business to have a clear internal policy – one that every stakeholder can refer to comply with the legal standards that do exist, ensure data privacy, encourage ethical and responsible use of AI, and prevent bias.
You can download it here for free. Simply fill in your business’s name and go from there or modify it as you like. It’s not meant to supplant legal advice, but it will help you think through how to use AI in practical ways and have rational, transparent procedures at the same time.
And if you have questions about implementing AI in your mid-market business, I invite you to register for our upcoming webinar, Real-World AI: A Webinar for Mid-Market CEOs.
The Zoom event is happening on 21 February at 2pm GMT. It promises to be a no-nonsense, business-focused, deep dive into AI for mid-market business leaders. We’ll tackle two key themes that matter to CEOs: the opportunities specific to the mid-market, and how to cultivate the change necessary for a smooth adoption of this powerful new technology.
Will AI change the world? We’re not making global predictions. We do know that it brings opportunities to mid-market businesses, and we’re excited to take part. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the webinar or your AI policy, get in touch.