Nottingham charity appeals for support for hospital makeover

Nottingham baby loss charity Forever Stars has issued a plea to local people, businesses, artists and workers for help with a DIY SOS-style makeover project for Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC) Nottingham’s Ward A23 and its garden.

This ward is where families suffering from baby loss through miscarriage receive specialist care and support.

Richard and his wife Michelle Daniels established the charity after the stillbirth of their daughter Emily on December 19, 2013.

The pair’s mission is to raise £50,000 through donations, fundraising efforts, and support from local businesses for the Campaign.

These funds will be allocated towards improving both clinical and non-clinical areas of Ward A23 through renovation and improvement initiatives.

Additionally, a portion of the funds will be allocated to redesigning and refurbishing an adjacent garden.

Richard Daniels said: “In addition to A23’s vital role in providing medical support, it has the rarity of a garden space, which is a sanctuary where families can retreat to try and deal with the weight of their loss. It’s also a valuable waiting area for fathers, and somewhere siblings can get fresh air and be kept occupied and distracted playing with toys while the rest of the family receives treatment. But, the garden requires a lot of attention.

“While Forever Stars’ team never stops fundraising to help support baby loss families, this major campaign is a big challenge, but one we are meeting head-on. But we desperately need help, donations and resources from as many people and businesses as possible to not only support us in raising the funds we believe are necessary to develop what will be a truly special environment for the families, but also to donate their skills, time, materials, and talents.

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