Greater Lincolnshire plays up sector strengths as it plots devolution journey

Tony Reynolds

Devolution in Greater Lincolnshire in 2025 is set to prove a “great platform for collaboration” with other organisations across the East Midlands.

That was the message from Tony Reynolds who was speaking to at real estate investment show UKREiiF on Wednesday (May 22).

For the first time the whole of Greater Lincolnshire was represented in one place at UKREiiF.

When asked how the decision to travel to UKREiiF as a united county came about, Reynolds said: “Our main aim was to present Greater Lincolnshire as an investment opportunity across a number of dedicated sectors rather than a collection of places. We have thriving areas coming together to build relationships with the investment community to share in the prosperity these sector opportunities will bring.”

Reynolds told us that Greater Lincolnshire is “on a devolution journey of its own” and will be electing a major in 2025.

He added: “This will provide a great platform for collaboration across the combined authorities to explore opportunities around our shared sector focus areas, investment opportunities and shared borders.”

Lincolnshire is home to the UK’s most ambitious industrial decarbonisation project in the Humber estuary, a major circular economy cluster, and the country’s leading offshore renewables hub.

Reynold said: “The Humber region, of which the south bank of the Humber is within Greater Lincolnshire, represents a large proportion of the investment opportunities for a low carbon future. We continue to build the narrative of the South bank of the Humber region and the opportunities it represents for the future low carbon investment opportunities.”
