Business Bytes: 6 things your boss notices about you

Just because your boss is the other side of the office, or a different end of the building, they are still noticing a considerable amount about you at work. After all, it’s their job to keep an eye on you. Although you might be coping well with deadlines and the workload, they are still picking up on how you are in the office. Here are six things that they are observing regularly.

1. The times you arrive and leave
Are you getting to work late but then leaving on the dot? Your boss notices this and you should do something about it. Just because your office’s clocking in system went out around the same time as cigars in the boardroom doesn’t mean it goes unnoticed.

2. How you’re spending your time
If you manage your time well, you’ve got nothing to worry about. If you aren’t getting things done efficiently while at the same time appearing bored and distracted, your boss is noticing and they’re not happy about it. If you’re not meeting deadlines, think about what it is that’s distracting you and what you should do about it. You’re there to work after all.

3. If you’re on your phone all day
Unless you’re working in a battery farm call centre, most managers haven’t got a problem with the occasional message. But if your phone pings more often than a supermarket check-out and you spend all day checking in to your social media, then you haven’t got the work-life balance right. You need to do more work!

4. The conversations you’re having
If you’re talking the legs off every worker around you, your boss is questioning what work you’re actually getting on with and if you’re being productive at all. Leave the water cooler conversations for when you’re stood by the water cooler (or given that we’re in England, when you’ve put the kettle on). And leave the office gossip for the pub.

5. The words you use
You might struggle with watching what you’re saying all day, but if you’re constantly swearing or make crude remarks, you’re not looking like a professional member of the team. It’s also a short step to then start using the same vocabulary to describe suppliers, clients and colleagues.

6. If you’re part of the team
Your boss hired you because they thought you would be a good member of the team and will get along with others in the office. So if you keep yourself to yourself and not contributing beyond your own narrowly-defined duties. Your boss wants you to get involved, so do it!

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