Foxes CEO becomes deputy lieutenant of Leicestershire

Leicester City FC chief executive Susan Whelan has been made a deputy lieutenant of Leicestershire in recognition of her service to the community.

Whelan was one of three new deputy lieutenants to be commissioned under oath by the lord-lieutenant of Leicestershire, Mike Kapur OBE, at a ceremony at County Hall this week.

Whelan was appointed CEO at the football club in 2011 and subsequently oversaw its meteoric rise from the Championship to the top of the Premier League.

She has led several major capital development projects at the club, including its soon-to-be-opened 180-acre training facility.

Whelan said: “It’s a real privilege to be named a deputy lieutenant of Leicestershire. I feel so fortunate to have been a part of this club’s exciting journey and there is so much more to come. The club prides itself on its sense of community and togetherness and we will continue striving to build something we can all be very proud of.”

Deputy lieutenants undertake a wide range of duties and engagements, including representing the lord-lieutenant, who is the official representative of the Queen for the city and county of Leicester.

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