First phase of £450m urban extension given green light

First phase will include 600 homes

The first phase of a £450m urban extension to the north east Leicester has been given the green light.

Charnwood Borough Council has unanimously resolved to grant planning approval for the four reserved matters planning applications that will see the delivery of the first phase of Thorpebury.

The applications were submitted in July 2019 by developer CEG, as well as the housebuilding consortium which will deliver the first phase of 600 homes; Davidsons, William Davis Homes and David Wilson Homes.

The first phase of development will be known as Thorpebury-in-the-Limes, alongside a mix of homes, there will be extensive landscaping and green spaces including sports pitches, play areas, parkland and new walking and cycling routes.

Will Martin, area manager at CEG, said: “We are delighted with the Committee’s decision and would like to thank the Council for their collaborative approach in delivering a regionally significant development.

“We have selected three high quality housing partners to deliver the first phase, this along with the high-quality landscaping and open space, ensures an exemplary and characterful development. The decision means work will shortly commence to deliver a wide range of much-needed new homes in the area, as well as opening up around 30 acres of new green spaces for sports and informal recreation.”

Approval has also been granted for a site-wide phasing programme which sets out the framework for the delivery of Thorpebury, including new schools, shops, services, transport improvements and other facilities which will be delivered, alongside new homes.

The first phase will be accessed from Barkbythorpe Road and Hamilton Lane and financial contributions will be made for new education provision and transport improvements.

Thorpebury was identified in Charnwood Borough Council’s adopted Local Plan 2011 to 2028 and outline planning permission has been granted. It is designed around three distinct neighbourhoods and includes:

– Around 4,500 residential units, including family, first time buyer, affordable and Extra Care accommodation for the elderly

– Approximately 13 hectares of employment land

– Shops and services, healthcare facilities and new primary schools, within the main district and two local centres and a reserved site for a secondary school

– 48 hectares of parks, 61 hectares of natural green space including allotments, parks, play areas and open space.

– 29 hectares of outdoor sports activities, including playing pitches and tennis courts
New footpaths/cycleways, including connections to existing communities such as Thurmaston

– A package of early interventions and traffic calming in Barkby and Barkby Thorpe.

The development is a £450m private sector-led development. It is forecast to create 3,500 construction jobs and 3,200 permanent jobs within the development, generating £35m in spending from new residents who will live and work in the area.

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