Chord strikes the right note for expansion

Nottingham-based mechanical and electrical engineering (M&E) and low carbon consultancy firm, Chord Consult, has opened a new office in Milton Keynes.
The new regional office is in The Pinnacle building, in the business district central of Milton Keynes.
The new office will be led by one of the founding directors, Jim Frisby, who lives locally and will now be based in the new location.
Frisb said: “Historically, the founders of Chord have done quite a bit of work in and around Milton Keynes. It’s a vibrant and expanding location, and we have a lot of client contacts and allies based in the area. I live in the area, so it seemed a natural step forward for us to formally open an office here.
“In addition, two of our trusted engineers, Ali McMichael and Jamie Clarke, live nearby and will also be based in The Pinnacle. The office is a stone’s throw from the MK central train station, so it makes our combined morning jaunt to work easier all round. We’ve also picked up significant schemes in and around London, and being less than 40 mins away on the train will help us to support and assist our clients with running these projects.”
Nottingham-based director Matt Wrate, who has worked with Frisby for over a decade, said: “We’re still a very young business, and in the current climate we need to be cautious about continued expansion. Milton Keynes is simply a great place to be for us right now. The new office is right to support our clients and our staff. Our plan in the region is to start small; growth from here will only ever be in response to any growing and sustainable workload.
”The two offices will remain very close, and Jim will stay involved in the structure of the central operation. However, for three or four days a week we can now avoid his morning moan about traffic and politics, his bad hip, etcetera, which is a bonus!”
Chord Consult launched in June 2022.