Take part in the biggest study into Midlands workplaces
A lot’s changed in the working world in the last few years, and we want you to tell us about how things look for you now.
In conjunction with Blueprint Interiors, we’re carrying out a major study into what people in Midlands workplaces care about now. And we’d love for you to be a part of it.
The survey will give us a bigger picture on:
– How have work habits changed over the last few years
– Do employers know what their people want from work any more
– Are people returning to the office for different reasons than they did pre-pandemic
– What people value about work
It’ll take you five minutes to complete – and you’ll be helping us shape the future of Midlands workplaces with your insight.
If you like, Blueprint Interiors will send you the Midlands workplace report that comes out of it too (but you don’t have to leave your details if you’d rather not!).
And we’ll enter you into a prize draw to win four cricket tickets at your choice of Edgbaston or Trent Bridge.
Your responses will be anonymised. Click here to take part.